We like to collect stories. Stories of the people we meet, whose lives we inadvertantly become a part of through our camps, our volunteer work, and our councelling and training programmes. These stories are as much a way for us to share our work with you, as they are a way for us to remember, and through this collective memory, to keep the fire of passion, dedication and compassion alive in ourselves. Each story lends a face to every digit in the number of patients we have had the fortune of healing, in over three decades. It reminds us of why we started Venu. And most importantly, each story keeps us connected. With the people we meet everyday. With our work. With our team members. And with the reason we are all here – to ensure that every one, regardless of where they live and what their means are, has the right to access quality health care with dignity.

Smt. Guddi Devi

65 Years; Female
Village: Rangpur, U.P.
Cataract – Left Eye
Monthly Family Income: Rs. 4,800/-
Occupation : Labourer

Dimmed vision because of cataract was restricting Smt. Guddi Devi’s ability to perform even the most basic household chores and sensitivity to light prohibited her from working outside. Post-surgery, Smt. Guddi is very happy because she can resume her work as a labourer, and does not need to rely on her family members for any aid

Smt. Rameshwari

Shri Rajender

51 Years; MaleVillage: Kamalpur, Rewari
Cataract – Right Eye
Monthly Family Income: Rs. 4,000/-
Occupation: Farmer

Shri Rajender was finding it finding it difficult to earn a livelihood and care for his family when he was diagnosed with cataract. Struggling to meet his day-to-day needs, he continued to work with limited capabilities. Today, thanks to the restoration of his vision, he is earning a better income and finding it much easier to care for his family.

Smt. Rameshwari

55 Years; Female
Village: Gurugram, Haryana.
Cataract – Left Eye
Monthly Family Income: Rs. 2,000/-
Occupation: Housewife

Smt. Rameshwari is from a small village. Smt. Rameshwari contributes at home by doing household chores but was able to help less and less over time, as her vision dimmed. Due to lack to financial support, she had no other way but to wait for a miracle to happen. She had started to lose hope. That’s when one day her neighbour told her about a Free Eye Camp organized by Venu Eye Institute near their village, where she was diagnosed with cataract.  Today post-surgery with her eyesight restored, Smt. Rameshwari is happy that she can continue doing her daily activities and look after her family.

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